Saturday, June 4, 2011


Did you ever dreamed to have a tree house while you were a kid? Me? Yes, it’s my dream to have a tree house in our backyard, where I can play and hang out with my friends. But it never happens, because we don’t have a mature and strong tree that can handle a tree house.

But during my 2nd year as an Architecture student in DLS-CSB, we have a design subject we called it ARCDES1 “Architectural Design 1”. It’s only our 2nd meeting in the class and we were tasked to design and create a model of a Tree house. After the announcement of our next tasked, I was so excited to design my dream structure. So I quickly think of my inspiration for my tree house. I go to internet to do some research, searching for what could be my inspiration. After a long time of staring at the computer thinking what could it be my concept in my structure, I saw a picture of a snake wrapped around a tree. And then a light bulb pop out in my mind, I say to myself “Ah! This is it, this I will use as my concept in my tree house”.  

After that, I do quick sketches that share same characteristics of a snake in my tree house. But after I found what would be my concept, my next dilemma is what would be the function of my tree house. I don’t like literal house, so I came up of a café and hangout place for relaxing.

My inspiration is the California Red- sided Garter Snake is a colorful snake in North American. This is what I want to be my color in my tree house of its bright color it stands out in the color of the nature and it pops out.

Above are my sketches of my first version of my tree house. This is the sketches that I have done in class

And at home I plan my design. You can see below my sketch in my tree house

I will be using three mature trees as the fundamental support.
The way the path way it was synchronized by the movement of a desert snake a side movement.
It was shape of a snake at the tip or head, I was planning to elevate it a little and my café will be dividing into three parts


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