Friday, July 8, 2011

Life Changing Experience

When I was in preschool I was an active and noisy little girl. During that time a have lots of friends that surrounds me. I was so happy when I attend school to see my friends.

            But when I was in my 2nd grade, I already experience bullying by my boys classmates. At first I let them do whatever they want as long as they don’t physically hurt me. At first I thought I can handle it, but I was wrong inside it was so painful it hurts so much, that’s why I learn to defend myself from them but it become worse every single day. I didn’t tell to my parents about that, but my mom notice something different and she talks to me I cried to her that I can’t handle it anymore it was when I was in my 4th grade already. Then I was transferred in different school. I thought it will be different this time. I try to gain my old self. But it becomes worse, worse than the last time to the point he tag along the name of my mother into his crazy game. I was so pissed that I cried out loud in to me classroom that I almost want to hit him. And at that time I told my mom what king of torture that they do to me. They called into guidance and they were forced to say sorry to me but I know they will do much torture to. So I requested to change classroom so that I will not see them anymore I stay at that school for 2 years until I graduated from 6th grade.

            When I was in high school I was so scared to be a new student. I was scared if it will happen again, if that will happened again I can’t handle it anymore. But it turns out no one does that and by the time I gain again the true smile that I was lost during my elementary days. And also my dad became strict at first I don’t really get it but when I heard him that during I was in elementary I always cry because of the boys that bullying me. I think that’s also the reason that he doesn’t want me to be near from the boys, maybe he was thinking I cried and had taken so much pain from the boys that it will not happened again. And he always says to my brother to take care of me that no boys can hurt me. 

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