Friday, January 7, 2011

This is my course


YES! I’ am sure that am in the right course. This is one step to my dream to become a successful Architect in the future. I will give my best in every challenge that I will face in this course.
But before I chose this course, to be honest when I was in High School I didn’t imagine that I will be an Architect in the future or taking an Architecture course is just that I never notice my inner talents in designing and in drawing. I only realize that I want to be an architect when I was in 3rd yr HS. When I saw a beautiful structures in Dubai and Singapore. It was so amazing and beautiful. And I ask my self do I have this kind of talent that can amaze others and can make a beautiful structure? And I said yes! This is what I want to do in the future, this is what I want and what I love. And then I decided that in college I will take B.S. Architecture even my parents warned me that its not easy as I thought. It was hard and I need to be serious about it. But I already decided that I want to be an architect and I’m ready to any challenges that I will face, how hard it was I’m ready. This is what I love and in my heart I love what I’m doing right now.


I agree that Architecture is a language. Because of what we are constructing. I believe  that every structure that we do it has a purpose and message to the people. We didn’t do a structure that has no meaning or  purpose. Architects make an art in their structures. It can inspire and encourage others.


Color Rendering is one of the subjects that I’m looking forward. I like to mix and match colors. But the only concerns me is that I don’t know how to use different materials in paintings. Like I don’t have enough knowledge in materials what we will use and I don’t have enough knowledge when it comes to using watercolor, poster paint and acrylic color. I want to learn in this subject is the proper techniques in using those materials , proper handling of the brush and proper posture while painting. I really love to learn more about colors. Because without colors I really don’t know what will happened to me.  I love colors. I hope at the end of this term I can make a beautiful pictures that can inspire by others and appreciate my work. I’m looking forward to this term in Color Rendering.